Services and Programs

Every individual has their own challenges and struggles, but more importantly they each have untapped potential and exceptionalities. There is a way forward to an even brighter future for you or your child. Invest in your or your family's future and take the first step today.
Whether you, a child, or someone you know is diagnosed with a disability such as but not limited to ADHD, anxiety, a processing disorder, or you want to improve their focus, behavior, and anxiety levels a program can be customized to the client’s goals and/or your goals for your family.
There are programs for all clients with any needs which include, but not limited to:
Sensory Processing Disorder
Learning Disorders
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Oppositional Defiance Disorder
Mobility, Vision, and/or
Hearing Impairments
Physical Disabilities
Mental Health Conditions
Other Medical Diagnosis

If you know of an individual that could benefit from any of the following services kindly fill out the

Academic Services
Teaches social skills for proper school behavior and social interactions
Develops accountability in behavior and academic commitments
Short and long term placements
Prepares the child to return and succeed at their home school with proper transitions
Social Emotional Learning (SEL)
Suspension and Expulsion Services

Personal Growth
Skill Building - Daily Living/Independence Skills- Personal Hygiene - Social Skills - Money Management
Self-Esteem - Confidence Level- Resiliency - Individual Identity
Responsibility - Self-care - Conflict Resolution - Decision Making-Commitments-Accountability
Community Integration - Community Citizen - Family Involvement - School/Home Mentoring Check-ins- Social interactions-Social situations
Inclusive Services - Differing Abilities - Different Experiences - Sharing Strengths
Transitions/Discharge Planning - Home Visits - Parent Meetings - Linkage to other community services
Emotional - Stress management-social/emotional skills-internal locus of control- frustration/anger tolerance
Executive Functioning skills–Flexible Thinking-Emotional Control-Working Memory-Self-Monitoring-Planning and Prioritizing-Task Initiation-Organization

Crisis Service/Family Services
Crisis training for families
Family Services
The Kanceptional Family Services Program has been created to proactively assist youth and their families identify and develop skills needed for healthy family living. Skill development is focused on areas of social, emotional, self-esteem, self-confidence, independent living, and the responsibility needed to strengthen relationships within families. A child or family referred to the Kanceptional Family Services Program is coordinated through County Case Managers and Parent/s and or Legal Guardian/s.. The Kanecptional Family Service Program is an additional resource that can provide the services and supports needed to help youth and their families build appropriate skill sets that would benefit them throughout their lifetime.
Crisis intervention

Kanceptional Café
Restaurant completely ran and operated by and benefiting those with disabilities
Opening Soon! Check back for more details as they emerge